
Browse through articles and research regarding celiac disease, living a gluten-free lifestyle, genetics and wellness.

Benefits-of-Home-Testing-Gluten-ID edited
Celiac Disease

The Benefits of At-Home Genetic Testing For Celiac Disease

At-home genetic testing for celiac disease is a groundbreaking innovation helping people to determine their GlutenID and their likelihood of having or developing celiac disease. ...
Celiac Disease

Why you should use Genetics before Antibodies in Celiac Disease Screening

Virtually everyone prefers a simple cheek swab to an invasive blood test but that’s not the reason celiac disease risk screening should always start with ...
Celiac Disease

GlutenID® Testing Featured in CAP Today

GlutenID® testing was featured in a recent article published by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) monthly newsletter called CAP Today. Celiac genetic health risk ...
Celiac Disease

Celiac Awareness Month

The month of May is Celiac Awareness Month. Test your knowledge on celiac disease and genetic health risk.
celiac disease in children
Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease in Children

Celiac disease can develop in children any time after gluten containing foods (such as wheat)  are introduced into the diet, usually 6-9 months of age. ...
Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Gluten-Free Easter Candy List

Here is a list of gluten-free easter candy to add to your kids’ easter baskets, inside hidden plastic eggs, or to enjoy yourself! These candies ...
Celiac Disease

Antibody Testing vs. Genetic Testing to Identify Celiac Disease Risk

Antibody testing vs. Genetic testing for celiac disease risk. What are the first steps to test for celiac disease?
Gluten-Free Lifestyle

10 Pantry Essentials for a Gluten-Free Kitchen

Keep your kitchen stocked with gluten-friendly pantry essentials to whip up a quick meal or grab a snack on the go.
Gluten intolerance vs. gluten allergy
Celiac Disease

Gluten Intolerance vs. Gluten Allergy

One of the more common questions we receive regards the distinction between testing for celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and gluten allergy.