During the month of May, celiac associated organizations make a special effort to raise the public’s knowledge and perception of the disease. Although an estimated 1% of the world population has been diagnosed with celiac disease (CD), there are still many misunderstood aspects of celiac disease including how genetic health risk (GHR) can run through multiple generations of a family.
To celebrate celiac disease awareness month this quick internet scavenger hunt is designed to raise your awareness of celiac genetics with 10 fun riddles about celiac genetics from a celiac disease family. After you read the clues, click the on the box to find the answer.
A and G and C and T. What should these letters let me see?
Click here to see the answer.
The DNA code
DNA makes up a gene. If the code is changed what does it mean?
Click here to see the answer.
There is a Genetic Health Risk (GHR).
GHR is easy to say. What does it stand for in a longer way?
Click here to see the answer.
Genetic Health Risk
CD is even easier to say. What does it stand for in a longer way?
Click here to see the answer.
Celiac Disease
Both my parents have CD. What shows GHR for me?
Click here to see the answer.
Genetic testing
GHR is coded by my genes. What gene test tells me what this means?
Click here to see the answer.
DQ2 and DQ8
The genes were negative for me. Will I also have CD?
Click here to see the answer.
GHR for CD < 1%
But gluten doesn’t work for me. Is this still sensitivity?
Click here to see the answer.
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
If both parents are positive for CD and their children are at risk, what diet will the family most likely be on?
Click here to see the answer.
A gluten-free diet
Now I know about CD. Tell me what this means for me:
Click here to see the answer.